Arlott Counter Mobile Legends 2024
Arlott has many cc skills, easily approaching and dealing AOE damage in combat. He easily destroys you with high damage, mobility and healing.
To counter Arlott you need stun or slow him. Try to keep your distance and poke from a distance to avoid being approached by Arlott.
I have fought 132 matches with Arlott and my mistakes helped me find the most effective way to counter Arlott.
Role: Fighter/Assassin
Specialty: Charge/Burst
Lane: EXP Lane
Win rate: 52.32% | Tier : S
Arlott Counter Mobile Legends stats: All the Arlott info you could want with heroes counter, item counter, tips counter and more!
Heroes counter Arlott
Arlott is Weak Against
These heroes are strong against Arlott at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Arlott.
Arlott is Strong Against
These heroes are weak against Arlott at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Arlott.
Items counter Arlott
Use Sea Halberd, Glowing Wand or Dominance Ice to reduce Arlott’s healing ability.
Wind of Nature is an item that makes you immune to Arlott’s physical damage.
To reduce Arlott’s damage, you should use: Twilight Armor and Antique Cuirass.
Using Winter Crown will help you avoid Arlott’s skills.
Use items that reduce Arlott’s movement speed such as: Corrosion Scythe and Ice Queen Wand.
Build armor-increasing items such as: Brute Force Breastplate, Thunder Belt, Blade Armor, Dominance Ice, Immortality.
Emblems counter Arlott
Use emblems can fight Arlott for a long time.
Using Emblems increases mobility and kite Arlott easier.
Spells counter Arlott
Arlott can stun you, use Purify to neutralize it.
Flicker will help avoid Arlott’s close approach.
Counter skill Arlott
Skill | Name | Effect |
Passive | Demon Gaze | Buff |
1 | Dauntless Strike | CC, AOE |
2 | Vengeance | Damage, Mobility |
Ultimate | Final Slash | CC, AOE |
Counter passive (Demon Gaze): If you are affected by the control effect within 8 seconds, you should not go near Arlott. Because Arlott will mark you with demonic eyes.
Counter skill 1 (Dauntless Strike): Avoid standing in a straight line in combat. If stunned, use Purify to remove it.
Counter skill 2 (Vengeance): When marked, stay away from Arlott because Vengeance will deal double damage and restore this skill. You can also use CC to block Vengeance.
Counter ultimate (Final Slash): Do not stand in groups in front of Arlott because Final Slash will push your team to the edge of AOE.
Tips counter Arlott
To effectively counter Arlott, you need to choose strong solo heroes with good cc skills.
Easily escape Arlott with Flicker or mobile heroes.
To avoid Arlott’s passive, use heroes or items to negate the effects of crowd control.
In combat, capture and defeat him first.
Gank Arlott causes him to lose power in the late game.
Avoid standing in groups because Arlott can deal AOE damage and cc multiple targets.
- Arlott can deal AoE damage.
- Strong solo.
- Good gank.
- Good ability to stay on the road.
- Long cooldowns.
- Weakness before cc.
Arlott Matchups
Arlott | Win rate: 42% Game: 365 | Martis |
Arlott | Win rate: 41% Game: 822 | Chou |
Arlott | Win rate: 44% Game: 908 | Minsitthar |
Arlott | Win rate: 46% Game: 788 | Kaja |
Arlott | Win rate: 47% Game: 324 | Thamuz |
Arlott | Win rate: 59% Game: 890 | Beatrix |
Arlott | Win rate: 55% Game: 769 | Joy |
Arlott | Win rate: 56% Game: 689 | Natan |
Arlott | Win rate: 53% Game: 458 | Xavier |
Arlott | Win rate: 51% Game: 523 | Fredrinn |