Lylia Counter Mobile Legends 2024
Lylia has high damage, moves fast, has the advantage of poking from afar and is useful in team fights. She will quickly clear minions and gank other lanes.
To counter Lylia, you need to gank and destroy her at the beginning of the game, using heroes that can lock and deal burst damage. Build healing reduction and magical defense items to counter Lylia.
Specialty: Push/Damage
Lane: Mid
Win rate: 52.62% | Tier: A
Lylia Counter Mobile Legends stats: All the Lylia info you could want with heroes counter, item counter, tips counter and more!
Heroes counter Lylia
Lylia is Weak Against
These heroes are strong against Lylia at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Lylia.
Lylia is Strong Against
These heroes are weak against Lylia at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Lylia.
Items counter Lylia
To reduce damage from Lylia, use magical defense items such as: Oracle, Athena’s Shield, Radiant Armor, Cursed Helmet.
To reduce Lylia’s healing ability, use the items: Sea Halberd, Glowing Wand, Dominance Ice.
Using Winter Crown will help you avoid Lylia’s skills.
Reduce Lylia’s movement speed with: Corrosion Scythe, Ice Queen Wand or Thunder Belt.
Emblems counter Lylia
Use Emblems can increase magic resistance to reduce damage from Lylia.
Spells counter Lylia
Avoiding Lylia’s skills is easier.
Role Counter Lylia
Use role (Fighter, Tank) to counter Lylia. Heroes control and suppress Lylia.
Counter skill Lylia
Skill | Name | Effect |
Passive | Angry Gloom | Buff, Speed Up |
1 | Magic Shockwave | AOE, Slow |
2 | Shadow Energy | AOE, Slow |
Ultimate | Black Shoes | Buff, Mobility |
Counter passive (Angry Gloom): Use items that slow Lylia’s movement speed.
Counter skill 1 (Magic Shockwave): Try to avoid Magic Shockwave because it only moves in a straight line.
Counter skill 2 (Shadow Energy): Do not stand together because Shadow Energy causes AOE damage.
Counter ultimate (Black Shoes): Pay attention to the position of the black shoes, Lylia will return to that position. Use stun to lock Lylia, preventing her from returning to the black shoes location.
Tips counter Lylia
Ban her.
Use CC effects to counter Lylia.
Prioritize building items that can reduce healing from Lylia’s ultimate.
Gank often to reduce Lylia’s power.
Notify teammates when Lylia moves to other lanes.
During combat, quickly destroy Lylia so she can’t hurt your team.
Proceed to assassinate Lylia from behind with a mobile heroes.
- Has hight mobility.
- High damage.
- Fast cooldown skill.
- Good cc.
- Can kite out enemies.
- Has high slow effect.
- High mana usage.
- Vulnerable to any CC.
- Hard play.
Lylia Matchups
Lylia | Win rate: 41% Game: 469 | Guinevere |
Lylia | Win rate: 48% Game: 349 | X.Borg |
Lylia | Win rate: 47% Game: 509 | Dyrroth |
Lylia | Win rate: 44% Game: 217 | Franco |
Lylia | Win rate: 45% Game: 421 | Kaja |
Lylia | Win rate: 57% Game: 244 | Granger |
Lylia | Win rate: 56% Game: 328 | ‘ Khufra |
Lylia | Win rate: 52% Game: 425 | Vale |
Lylia | Win rate: 51% Game: 237 | Kimmy |
Lylia | Win rate: 53% Game: 221 | Hanzo |